Basic operations with StratisUnitySDK

This tutorial will show you how to use the basic functionality of the Stratis Unity SDK: create a wallet, check your balance, and send coins to another address.

What is required to work with basic functionality of the SDK?

The Stratis Unity Integration guide can be followed to get information about public node API references.

Setting up StratisUnityManager and creating a wallet

First of all, we need to set up StratisUnityManager to be able to use all of the API methods provided by the SDK.

Let’s create a new script inherited from MonoBehaviour:

public class TutorialScript : MonoBehaviourß
   async void Start()
      // TODO: place for your code

We’ll use this class to set up and hold the Unity3dClient and the StratisUnityManager instances and to run some code inside the Start method later.

Now we’re going to set up base URL, network, and wallet mnemonic.

Let’s walk through the steps:

  1. Set base URL. To use Stratis Unity SDK, you need a full node to be running locally or remotely. Find your node’s address (IP or domain) if you’re going to use a remote Cirrus node in testnet then use, or if you’re running your Cirrus node locally in test network then use http://localhost:38223/. We recommend to use remote public node as running Fullnode locally may take more time for synchronisation.

  2. Set the network you want to operate on. Use CirrusTest or CirrusMain to operate on Cirrus testnet or production networks. For development and learning purpose we recommend to use test network where you don’t need real money, you can use Test coins.

  3. Set a mnemonic for your wallet. Mnemonic is a sequence of words used to define the private key of your wallet. You can create mnemonic using just a pen, a paper, and a dice, or use different hardware & software mnemonic generators.

Network network = new CirrusTest();
StratisNodeClient client = new StratisNodeClient("");
Mnemonic mnemonic = new Mnemonic("legal door leopard fire attract stove similar response photo prize seminar frown", Wordlist.English);
StratisUnityManager stratisUnityManager = new StratisUnityManager(client, new BlockCoreApi(""), network, mnemonic);

Now, let’s print current wallet’s address to the console:

Debug.Log("Your address: " + stratisUnityManager.GetAddress());

Now we need to attach this script to game object on the scene and run the game. An address of our wallet will be printed after the game started.

Getting a wallet balance

Now let’s learn how we can get a balance of our wallet.

try {
   decimal balance = await stratisUnityManager.GetBalanceAsync();
   Debug.Log("Your balance: " + balance);
} catch (Exception e) {
   Debug.Log("Balance request failed, got error:" + e.ToString());
   throw e;

This code will print your balance if the call succeeds, and print an error otherwise.

Sending coins & waiting for a receipt

Now let’s try to implement a more complex logic: send some coins and wait for transaction’s receipt.

At first, define a couple of variables:

  • destinationAddress: in this example, we’re using tD5aDZSu4Go4A23R7VsjuJTL51YMyeoLyS for Cirrus Test network

  • amount: the number of satoshis we want to send. Let’s send 10.000 satoshis (= 0.0001 CIRRUS).

string destinationAddress = "tD5aDZSu4Go4A23R7VsjuJTL51YMyeoLyS";
long amount = 10000;

Now, send amount of coins to destinationAddress with the code shown below:

string txId = await stratisUnityManager.SendTransactionAsync(destinationAddress, amount);

Well, now we want to know when the receipt for this transaction is available. To achieve this, you can use the code shown below:

var receipt = await stratisUnityManager.WaitTillReceiptAvailable(txId);


You can find more examples in the Examples folder.

AssetsCodeExamplesTestApiMethods.cs - general example that covers usage of basic wallet functionality.

To run this or another examples just add their scripts to any object in your scene or use prebuilt scenes from \Assets\Scenes.