Tutorial #1 - Basic plugin usage

In this tutorial we’ll show you how to use the basic functionality of the Stratis Unreal plugin: create a wallet, check your balance and unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs), and send coins to another address.

Of we go!


You need to set up your project and Stratis Unreal Plugin within it. If you looking for a tutorial about basic project setup, please check our Tutorial #0.

Setting up StratisUnrealManager and creating a wallet

First of all, we need to set up StratisUnrealManager to be able to use all of the API methods provided by the plugin.

Let’s open the Source path of your project and create a new header named StratisHandler.h:

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "UStratisUnrealManager.h"

#include "StratisHandler.generated.h"

class UStratisHandler : public UObject {


  UStratisUnrealManager *stratisManager;

  UWorld *GetWorld() const override;

  UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "StratisHandler")
  void RunSomeLogic();

We’ll use this class to set up and hold the UStratisUnrealManager instance and to run some code inside the RunSomeLogic method later.

Okay, now we’re going to implement the StratisHandler class we defined above:

#include "StratisHandler.h"

UStratisHandler::UStratisHandler() {
  stratisManager =

  //TODO: Initialize stratisManager

UWorld *UStratisHandler::GetWorld() const { return GetOuter()->GetWorld(); }

void UStratisHandler::RunSomeLogic() {
    //TODO: print balance, utxos etc

Now we’re going to set up base URL, network, and wallet mnemonic.

Let’s walk through the steps:

  1. Set base URL. To use Stratis Unreal Plugin, you need a full node to be running locally or remotely. Find your node’s address (IP or domain) if you’re running a remote node, or use http://localhost:44336 if you’re running your node locally.

  2. Set the network you want to operate on. Use ENetwork::CIRRUS and ENetwork::CIRRUS_TEST for production and testing respectively.

  3. Set a mnemonic for your wallet. Mnemonic is a sequence of words used to define the private key of your wallet. You can create mnemonic using just a pen, a paper, and a dice, or use different hardware & software mnemonic generators.

UStratisHandler::UStratisHandler() {
  stratisManager =

  stratisManager->setMnemonic(TEXT("legal door leopard "
                                   "fire attract stove "
                                   "similar response photo "
                                   "prize seminar frown"));

Now, let’s write something interesting inside of the RunSomeLogic method - print current wallet’s address to log console:

void UStratisHandler::RunSomeLogic() {
  UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Address: %s"),

The last thing we need to do is to make use of our UStratisHandler. Open …Character.h and add lines below to the class declaration:

UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
UStratisHandler* stratisHandler;

And now add object initialization code into the character’s class constructor definition:

stratisHandler = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStratisHandler>(TEXT("StratisHandler"));

Add RunSomeLogic call to the end of OnFire event definition:


Now we need to compile code and run the game. An address of our wallet will be printed on every shot we make.

Getting a wallet balance

Now let’s learn how we can get a balance of our wallet.

Put the code below inside the RunSomeLogic method:

stratisManager->getBalance([](const auto &result) {
if (result::isSuccessful(result)) {
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Balance in satoshis: %llu"),
} else {
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("%s"), *(result::getError(result).message));

In this example, we’re using the getBalance method with TFunction parameter. You can also use another overloaded version of this method which takes delegates as parameters.

This code will print your balance if the call succeeds, and print an error otherwise.

Getting unspent transaction outputs

Okay, now we will try to find unspent transaction outputs for our wallet.

Put the code below inside the RunSomeLogic method:

stratisManager->getCoins([](const auto &result) {
    if (result::isSuccessful(result)) {
        const auto &utxos = result::getValue(result);

        for (const auto &utxo : utxos) {
            UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("UTXO #%i, hash: %s, satoshis: %llu"),
                    utxo.n, *(utxo.hash), utxo.satoshis);

    } else {
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("%s"), *(result::getError(result).message));

Here we’re using a range-based for loop to iterate over TArray of FUTXO items.

This code will print all of your utxos to log console one-by-one if the call is successful, and print error otherwise.

Sending coins & waiting for a receipt

Now let’s try to implement a more complex logic: send some coins and await for transaction’s receipt.

At first, define a couple of variables:

  • destinationAddress: in this example, we’re using tD5aDZSu4Go4A23R7VsjuJTL51YMyeoLyS for Cirrus Test network

  • amount: the number of satoshis we want to send. Let’s send 10.000 satoshis (= 0.0001 STRAX).

FString destinationAddress(TEXT("tD5aDZSu4Go4A23R7VsjuJTL51YMyeoLyS"));
int64 amount = 10000;

Now, send amount of coins to destinationAddress with the code shown below:

      destinationAddress, amount, [this](const auto &result) {
        if (result::isSuccessful(result)) {
          const auto &transactionID = result::getValue(result);

          // TODO: now we need to await receipt

        } else {
          UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("%s"),

Well, now we want to know when the receipt for this transaction is available. To achieve this, use the code shown below:

    transactionID, [transactionID](const auto &result) {
    if (result::isSuccessful(result)) {
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display,
                TEXT("Coins had been sent successfuly, transaction "
                    "id: %s"),
    } else {
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("%s"),

What’s next?

In this tutorial, we’ve learned how to use some core plugin functions: get balance, send coins, and wait for a receipt. In the next tutorial, we’ll cover more advanced functionality of the plugin - interacting with smart contracts.

If you found a problem, you can open an issue on the project’s Github page. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in our Discord channel.

Stay tuned!